Tuesday, December 8, 2015

Elements and Principles of Art and Design

With the second trimester under way, Middle School Art students have been exploring the Elements and Principles of Art and Design. We have talked about how artists use the Elements to communicate ideas in a variety of art forms. Then, we discussed how artists use the Elements according to the Principles to arrange their ideas in their artwork.  6th and 7th grade classes work on making Artist Trading Cards (miniature works of art) to illustrate each of these concepts.  Here are just a few examples of their work...

Friday, September 25, 2015

Welcome Back!

Welcome Back!
Art students have been very busy so far.  6th grade students practice working with clay making pinch pottery and adding 3D details to make their bowls more interesting.  Very soon they will add glazes to add color...

Monday, June 1, 2015

Trimester 3 Pastel Drawings


8th grade classes worked on a landscape this trimester. Students looked at Impressionist artworks to get ideas for their own Landscape choice. Each student practiced using a variety of media. Students then made a choice based which they liked, and applied it to their final drawing.

Check out these final landscapes...

Antonio Lirio - Moai - Oil Pastel

Carson Rodriguez - Chalk

Madison Hower - Chalk

Cameron Ensign - Into the Woods - Oil Pastel

Tuesday, March 31, 2015

For the past few weeks, 8th grade students at BMS have been practicing contour drawing.  They have used various objects in the classroom (and some they brought from home) to develop their skills in drawing objects accurately.  Once they completed their practice drawings, the students studied different composition types (ways to arrange an artwork) and played with patterns that would enhance their drawings.  Finished Drawing were completed in watercolor and Sharpie.

Thursday, January 8, 2015

8th Grade Students at Baldwin Street Middle School at continuing to work on creating stories through their art. After finishing up coil pots, the class created clay shoes that tell the story of an important person in their lives.  The class has just started to add color to these projects. One of the requirements is to make  certain the colors they choose enhance the story.  Pictures of finished projects will be posted soon!